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The Ability of The Students of SMA Makassar in Using English Transitive Verbs
  1. Background

The development of science and technology is growing rapidly. It is marked by the change in many aspects of social life. Society is demanded to be able to communicate in some languages particularly English as an international language. Therefore, to prepare Indonesian as the member of world society, English is taught to the elementary school up to university level.

Recently, English as a foreign language has been studied by Indonesian students. The main goal of English in Indonesia is not only for academic purpose but also for the development of science and technology as a part of Indonesia government programs.

In Indonesian school, English is taught at some elementary school as an obligatory subject. While at university level, English is taught in more specific subject with different ways.
The objective of English study in senior high school is to develop reading, listening, speaking and writing skills. These should be developed through materials which are selected in accordance with the students’ level of English such as interest, vocabulary and English patterns.
Besides recommending the four language skills, it also recommends the element of language such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling. They are taught to support the language skills.

In English there are four skills namely; listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening and reading are considered as a receptive skill, because people get the information. While speaking and writing are considered as a productive skill, because people express their feeling, though and ideas through speaking and writing. There are also some English components namely; phonology, syntax, morphology, semantic, lexicon, and discourse.

In relation with those statements above one of the important parts is grammar especially mastering language because it clarifies about the formation of English itself; and also it helps us to organize our learning English more effectively and it shows us the pattern of English so that we can learn them more effectively. By having sufficient knowledge of grammar, students can enlarge their English and make them confident when they speak and write it.

In learning English grammar, it should not be free from dealing with the verb. The important of learning English verb can be connected to the notion that, the verbs are the most complex parts of speech. It can change in different kinds of sentences; such as present, past, future, etc. and they must be concerned with their subject.

The necessity of learning the verb can also be related to the view point that, the verb is the most important elements in English language, because in English communication, the subject and predicate structure are the most enfolded and the verb itself is the key word in communication.
Learning the English verb should embrace or include all kinds of verbs. The students are expected to the comprehensively and not learn them partially. One of the verbs that should be well learned is transitive verb (a verb types which need an object or complement to complete the meaning of the sentence). In English, there are some verbs; but not all of them are transitive verbs. To determine a verb whether a transitive verb or not, it is not easy. It depens on the verb usage in sentence and enough comprehension about the verb itself. Since many transitive verbs can be used as an intransitive one. therefore, it is very important for a writer to carry out this reaserch.

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested to carry out the research concerning with the title: “The ability of the students of SMA Kristen Makassar in using English transitive verbs”.


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